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br Acknowledgements F Zhu wishes to thank Professor
Acknowledgements F. Zhu wishes to thank Professor Andrew J. Bell and Dr. Timothy P. Comyn for their professional academic advice and kind support. This work was also sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants nos. 51332002, 51221291) and the No. 56 Chinese Post-doc Foun
br Specifications table br Value of the data br
Specifications table Value of the data Data Experimental design, materials and methods Fractionation of human plasma samples Frozen human plasma samples from healthy volunteers were obtained from expired stocks of local blood banks, pooled and fractionated by anion exchange chromatogr
br Acknowledgements Thank you to the people the lovely
Acknowledgements Thank you to the people the lovely people in the San Polino winery, who generously opened their doors and helped us collect the samples and strains needed to produce these data. We especially thank Katia Nussbaum, Luigi Fabbro, Alberto Gjilaska, and Daniel Fabbro. We also thank B
Value of the data br Data FTIR spectra cm identified
Value of the data Data FTIR spectra (4000–650cm−1) identified four major functional groups (O–H, C–H, C=O, and C–O) in the Gefitinib of G. mangostana (Fig. 1) from 15 different sample locations in Peninsular Malaysia (Table 1). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed two major clustering gr
The first category Building Characteristics describes the pr
The first category, Building Characteristics, describes the project in physical and technical terms. We chose five variables that intrinsically represent the physical characteristics of an apartment block. The Volume (Vol) of the building in m3, including all interior volumes above ground plus 60%
The optimal control reentry problem for unconstraint heat
The optimal control reentry problem for unconstraint heat load is expressed as to determine the state vector and the control vector that alk inhibitor minimizes the cost function subject to the dynamic constraints of Eqs. (9)–(15), the initial and terminal flight path conditions given in Eq. (21)
La reasignaci n de sexo ocurre en circunstancias del
La reasignación de sexo ocurre en circunstancias del todo singulares —cada caso es distinto—, por lo cual no produce siempre el mismo efecto, el mismo grado de malestar, ni logra instaurar con igual certidumbre el nuevo sexo asignado. La reasignación de sexo puede acontecer en diferentes momentos de
Este art culo explora la relaci n entre
Este artículo explora la relación entre dicha falta de progreso y el énfasis actual de las políticas públicas sobre las esclavas sexuales y las víctimas de trata. Asimismo, examina la investigación financiada por el Consejo de Investigación Económica y Social del Reino Unido () y se enfoca primordia
El pr logo y el ep logo nos ubican
El prólogo y el epílogo nos ubican en estos espacios movibles o de transición: la taberna, el albergue y la calle, lugares que ocupa la niña del brazo mutilado y donde pernoctan los parroquianos del bar; por lo tanto, estos espacios carecen de identidad propia, son lugares para refugiarse y que está
Las reflexiones que presento a continuaci
Las reflexiones que presento h2 receptor antagonist continuación son producto de una investigación etnográfica que realicé para obtener la maestría en Antropología Social de la BUAP. El artículo propone evidenciar la particularidad de la relación establecida entre cuidados y discapacidad con la inte
br Conclusion br Introduction Apoptosis is a
Conclusion Introduction Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death, that is involved in keeping Sulindac sulfide by maintaining cell populations in tissues. Physiologically, apoptosis is essential for embryonic development, cell turnover, proper development of the immune system and hormon
br Setting the treatment plan
Setting the treatment plan Prior to the day of surgery, patient started on an oral regimen of steroids and ap4 Supplier to prevent postoperative swelling and infection [18]. Preparation of the recipient site Retro molar block harvest The incision design for access to the ramus was proceed
Introduction Various techniques for creating a
Introduction Various techniques for creating a comfortable living environment and saving energy have been proposed and employed in residential buildings. Among the available techniques, the installation of additional inner windows appears promising for creating a comfortable and energy-efficient li
Unlike the Mapo Apartments citizens
Unlike the Mapo Apartments, citizens’ apartments, such as Pungjeon, Heohyeon Sibeom (model), and Hyochang apartments, were constructed in the poor districts downtown of Seoul. Since the purpose of constructing the Citizens’ Apartments was to construct as many apartments as possible at minimum constr
Thompson transformations parametric warping based on quadrat
Thompson transformations (parametric “warping” based on quadratic functions, Wilkinson, 2005, pp. 223–224) as illustrated in Figure 3 allow positive and negative transformations based on parameters P1–P10. Of these, the presented generative system uses the six parameters P1, P2, P3, P6, P7 and P8. P
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